dreamRs / esquisse

RStudio add-in to make plots interactively with ggplot2
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Not working in R Studio Workbench (former Server Pro) (gray overlay) #204

Closed kalaschnik closed 2 years ago

kalaschnik commented 2 years ago


I cannot get esquisse to work within an R Studio Workbench (former R Studio Server) environment. I tried installing the package locally in the user lib and also in the system lib. No difference. There is this gray overlay, and I cannot click any buttons apart from the visualization type. But I cannot select any data to work with... any ideas how to debug this?


ncorder-lilly commented 2 years ago

How long are you waiting before exiting the interface? I am experiencing the same grey screen initially, but the new data loader interface appears after waiting (as long as 20 seconds in some instances).

kalaschnik commented 2 years ago

I left the tab actively open for a couple of minutes now... the gray overlay is still present and I cannot interact with the UI

pvictor commented 2 years ago

Yes something is definetely wrong. Can you try to launch esquisse in a browser's tab to see if the result is the same, with :

esquisse::esquisser(viewer = "browser")
kalaschnik commented 2 years ago

Still grayed-out; is there any debug log, I could send?

The console includes some warnings/error; there is a websocket connection error? The server lives behind a corporate firewall, maybe it cannot reach out to a required resource?

pvictor commented 2 years ago

Mmh weird, is this specific to esquisse ? can you try both examples below ?


# or

  app = fluidPage(
  server = function(...) {}, 
  viewer = dialogViewer("Dialog")
kalaschnik commented 2 years ago

Good spot, I get gray overlays also on both of your examples. So not an esquisse issue! I will file an issue in the rstudio repo! Thanks for helping investigate!

kalaschnik commented 2 years ago

For reference and help: https://github.com/rstudio/rstudio/issues/3562

kalaschnik commented 2 years ago

FYI; We are using Apache and we were missing the proxy_wstunnel module. After installing it, shiny apps were not grayed-out anymore. Project sharing also works! Install the apache module with sudo a2enmod proxy_wstunnel