dreamRs / fresh

Fresh shiny themes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Tutorial outdated for bs4Dash #15

Open ruiruimufeng opened 1 year ago

ruiruimufeng commented 1 year ago

I tried to run the example from https://github.com/dreamRs/fresh/blob/master/inst/examples/bs4Dash/app.R and get error message for "unused argument (navbar = bs4DashNavbar(skin = "light"))". I think in bs4Dash V2.0 they may replace "bs4DashNavbar" with "dashboardHeader" so the "Full theme" code in https://dreamrs.github.io/fresh/articles/vars-bs4dash.html not fully functioning. If I want to change the color for the header, which variable I should use? Thanks!

HugoGit39 commented 1 year ago

I am wondering the same thing when using freshTheme with bs4Dash...it gives a unused argument error....does fresh still works? Honestly I have also quite some issues with bs4Dash cause it seems the code has changed recently? Casue example codes dont worrk anymore....like in: https://rinterface.github.io/bs4Dash/reference/dashboardPage.html