dreamRs / shinyWidgets

shinyWidgets : Extend widgets available in shiny
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Incorrect alignment of `awesome{CheckboxGroup,Radio}` when `inline = TRUE` and using `bs4Dash` #451

Open AshesITR opened 2 years ago

AshesITR commented 2 years ago

When using inline = TRUE with bs4Dash, the alignment of awesome{CheckboxGroup,Radio} is broken. This seems to be caused by incorrect CSS for Bootstrap 4 (or AdminLTE?). Note that the radio buttons are also off, if only by a few pixels.

library(bs4Dash) # / library(shinydashboard)

  dashboardPage(dashboardHeader(), dashboardSidebar(), dashboardBody(
    awesomeCheckboxGroup("cbg", "cbg", LETTERS[1:3], inline = TRUE),
    awesomeRadio("rb", "rb", letters[1:3], inline = TRUE)
  function(input, output, session) {}

Created on 2021-12-06 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

bs4Dash renders incorrectly: image

shinydashboard looks fine: image

Relevant package versions:

ShinyFabio commented 2 years ago

I have the same problem with awesomeRadio and the default dashboard (no shinydashboard or bs4Dash). I have that radio inside a sidebarpanel Screenshot (137) .