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Removing github #2

Open origamidove opened 3 years ago

origamidove commented 3 years ago


I'm struggling to see the reason why you're using github.

A lot of your threat model is about trying to deal with the need to hide who you are from github (Microsoft) while simultaneously needing to prove who you are by using signed commits.

Why not just use Radicle where (1) your key is your identity and (2) there is no intermediary that can be strong armed into removing your code?

https://radicle.xyz/ https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/what-is-radicle.html https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/understanding-radicle/why-radicle

origamidove commented 3 years ago


  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJKqnKOhY9Q
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twEW6_HcnRA
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMDgRuN2WuA
inverted-capital commented 3 years ago

That sure is a beautiful looking project. We went with github since it ranks at #72 for traffic versus radicle at #313,261. We basically wanted ease of contact and familiarity for any others who might stop by our project.

I'll keep looking at radicle as it could be that the type of people we want to engage are more likely to prefer that platform anyway. I really like that they have funding mechanisms built in. I mean I already like it more than github and I've only known about it for 5 minutes....

What value do you place on the popularity of github vs features of radicle ?

inverted-capital commented 3 years ago

I can't find a way to browse radicle projects from a browser as an unlogged in user - did I miss something ?

Radicle themselves are still using github for their development and trying to move off it. I think we should wait to move there until they themselves consider it stable ?

If it would help, we could start a ticket that listed out the requirements for our code hosting infrastructure, such as being able to browse the projects on a webpage, and other requirements that probably only surface when alternatives are proposed ?

origamidove commented 3 years ago

It sure is a thing of beauty. But yes, it's not stable yet.

Discovery works in a similar manner to torrents. Each project has a unique ID that you can post anywhere you like. https://docs.radicle.xyz/docs/using-radicle/sharing-projects

I flagged Radicle up primarily because it seemed like you were having to go to great lengths to obfuscate your identity from github. Radicle would help with that but it's overall desirability as an alternative depends on your other goals, which are unknown to me.

Say you wanted to minimize your exposure while also maximizing discoverability for regular developers. It would theoretically be possible to take a hybrid 'Alice in Wonderland' approach where you maintain a github/gitlab repo containing nothing but the project ID's needed to find the source code on Radicle.

This is a purely speculative suggestion that would only become feasible once Radicle is stable.

inverted-capital commented 3 years ago

How can I present my other goals in a form that is easily browseable ? The goals seem tangled at the moment, which is very frustrating. I'm trying to split the areas of operation out per repository.

I made the ambient attribution repo in an attempt to at least codify the problem it tries to solve, by way of describing scenarios

origamidove commented 3 years ago

Usually that's done via a single whitepapaper describing the project goals and how the components meet those goals.

origamidove commented 3 years ago

The questions below are what I’d need to know the answers to in order to confidently explain the project to someone else

Goal What is the goal of dreamcatcher

What, who and why What does dream catcher do, who does it do it for and why do they want to do that?

Alternatives What is the best current and foreseeable future alternative for each need identified in 1 and what makes dc better than that alternative

Red queen What is the sustainable competitive advantage that allows dc to stay ahead ahead of the alternatives

Components What are the components of the system. How do they work and how do they interact