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Add "Connecting the worlds problems with the worlds solutions" to the quotes page #15

Open inverted-capital opened 2 years ago

inverted-capital commented 2 years ago

@TemperBead you were quite fond of a quote similar to this one, but I can't remember how exactly it was worded - would you be able to add it to [Tweets}(https://github.com/dreamcatcher-tech/dreamcatcher-tech.github.io/blob/master/website/docs/Tweets.md) ?

Relates to #14 as problem and solution need to be cleaved.

TemperBead commented 2 years ago

For the life of me I can't remember what I said, and trawling back through the recordings would be excessive.

I'll keep thinking about this to see if it comes out, but these gems just descend in a never-ending cascade of awesomeness, so most likely it'll come back to mind in one of our calls.

Propose close issue?

inverted-capital commented 2 years ago

We were walking down the road towards the graveyard back at the old skunk works when we talked about this. Close at whim - we certainly have no shortage of tweets, and I'm not sure there is a single one that would work for us, given the amount of time and tweets that still haven't universally hit the mark.

I mean, what would the tweet for the Internet have been back in the day, before it was built ?