dreamer / boxtron

Steam Play compatibility tool to run DOS games using native Linux DOSBox
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Doesn't work with dosbox-staging from Snap store #43

Open mhalano opened 3 years ago

mhalano commented 3 years ago

I tried to run Tomb Raider I with Boxtron using the dosbox-staging available as a Snap (I'm using Ubuntu 20.10) but doesn't work. Even if I change dosbox.cmd the dosbox-stagin is executed, but not the game.

dreamer commented 3 years ago

@mhalano Can you try setting dosbox.cmd to snap run dosbox-staging?

mhalano commented 3 years ago

Did it. Also tried dosbox-x. Doesn't work.

KnightOfCups commented 3 years ago

If the goal is to run TR1, I managed to run it with Steam beta client (system-wide or Flathub), recommended with Steam Play under Linux. But here it is, my controller works only with Flathub Steam so I sticked with it. Boxtron and DOSBox-staging were also installed with Flathub.

$ flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam com.valvesoftware.Steam.CompatibilityTool.Boxtron io.github.dosbox-staging

Launch Steam

$ flatpak run com.valvesoftware.Steam

Go to Settings -> Account, opt in for Beta Participation, it will install beta client and finally relaunch Steam. Then set Steam Play to use Boxtron as compatibility tool, either globally by going to Settings -> Steam Play or either only for TR1 from its game menu (Steam Play options). For system installation, I followed the same procedure with the additional step of updating dosbox.cmd setting appropriately in my Boxtron configuration file (~/.config/boxtron.conf)

cmd = flatpak run io.github.dosbox-staging

Hope it helps, and if so enjoy :-). Personally I've just finished TR1 and I moved on to the next but can't run it at this time.