dreamer / luxtorpeda

Steam Play compatibility tool to run games using native Linux engines
GNU General Public License v2.0
383 stars 9 forks source link

Being able to use Luxtorpeda with games aded via the Heroic Launcher #111

Open Velonox opened 7 months ago

Velonox commented 7 months ago

I was adding Heretic to Steam from my GOG library and Luxtropeda would not recognize it. It would be great that I can use this tool to make the setup of Heretic and other classic games easier with more modern ports.

While I can setup the port manually and redirect the launcher to it I love the easy of use Luxtropeda provides and want to use it with my growing GOG library.

JoshuaFern commented 7 months ago

This is the original repo for Luxtorpeda, try here instead: https://github.com/luxtorpeda-dev/packages

d10sfan commented 7 months ago

Like @JoshuaFern said, this is for the old un-maintained luxtorpeda. The repo linked is the one up to date.

In terms of GOG support in general, luxtorpeda uses app ids to determine what game is being played. Since non-steam games' app ids are random, there's no easy way to tell what game you are playing.

You can try using the user packages feature (it's documented in the README), to provide your app id from the non-steam game and copy the information from the normal steam app.

Velonox commented 7 months ago

I see, give it a little read I am a bit lost but I hope I can get it going. Just trying to know where to get the info for, in this case, Heretic so I can put it for the custom user package then add in the app id manually.

JoshuaFern commented 7 months ago

What you're trying to do is completely unsupported so you're kind of on your own, but I can give you a few tips.


Above is the json file that contains the information for all the engines, what you're doing with the user packages feature is adding your own engine by specifying your own json. Simply copy and paste the existing json for Heretic into your user packages json and adjust the appid to the one steam randomly generates for your non-steam game and pray it works.

I say pray it works because it may very well be the case that the GOG version of the game has a different file and folder structure, or even different file contents that Luxtorpeda, which is designed for the Steam version of the game, won't work with. However this is Heretic we're talking about so it's probably very similar and will work fine.

Velonox commented 7 months ago

So I am still adjusting to this to see if I can get it going but I can see why it's unsupported haha. I thank you for your time on this as this is a good place to leave it since it is a tricky matter. I may in the future request the intergration of heroic launcher to be looked at or the very least a way for us users to download these precomplied source ports that Luxtropeda uses. That we can just install the one we want and add it manually. Anyways thank you again for your time.