action {trigger} {action} -- execute action when 'trigger' string arrives from the server
action string -- display all defined actions matching this string
action string delete -- delete action matching this string
Trigger clause requirements:
triggers can use 'anchors': ^ to specify beginning of the line and $ to specify the end. For example: #action {^Nice white fountain is here} {drink fountain}
triggers can contain pattern-variables %0, %1, ... %10. Same variables can be used inside {action}, for example:
#action {%0 gives you %5} {say thanks for the %5, %0!}
More details can be found in jmc docs and lyntin docs (see COMMANDS.ACTION section).
action -- list all defined triggers
action {trigger} {action} -- execute action when 'trigger' string arrives from the server
action string -- display all defined actions matching this string
action string delete -- delete action matching this string
Trigger clause requirements:
#action {^Nice white fountain is here} {drink fountain}
#action {%0 gives you %5} {say thanks for the %5, %0!}
More details can be found in jmc docs and lyntin docs (see COMMANDS.ACTION section).