dreampiggy / AVIFQuickLook

AVIF QuickLook plugin on macOS
MIT License
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Use QLPreviewingController to provide better support for macOS 10.13+ #18

Open dreampiggy opened 1 year ago

dreampiggy commented 1 year ago

See: https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2019/719?time=942

Apple introduce new QuickLook Preview Extension, which you need a macOS App and bundle it as appex extension. Then you can render anything for preview, using AppKit (like NSViewController/NSView) or even SwiftUI

Since some user like #17 need animation or complicated display render result, we may consider migrate to the new solution


  1. This need a dummy App, which means you will install something like AVIFQuickLook.app into /Applications
dreampiggy commented 1 year ago
