dreamstalker / rehlds

Reverse-engineered HLDS
GNU General Public License v3.0
652 stars 167 forks source link

HLTV: Invalid rcon challenge - Part 2 #476

Closed fred0r closed 7 years ago

fred0r commented 7 years ago

Since it seems not possible to reopen the already closed Issue (#471) i open a new one. I still get "Invalid rcon challenge from: LOCAL_SERVER_IP:PORT" when trying to initiate the demo-record using hltv-autorecord (https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=993138?p=993138)

ReHLDS version: AMX Mod X 1.8.3-dev+5116 Metamod v1.21p37 2013/05/30

fred0r commented 7 years ago

Can someone pls confirm/deny that this issue still exists ?

s1lentq commented 7 years ago

@fred0r i can't reproduce that issue using plugin above

fred0r commented 7 years ago

@s1lentq Thats strange :/ After i copied the old (orig) server-files back the AMXX-Plugin initiated the Demo-Recording. Did you try on Linux or Windows ?

fred0r commented 7 years ago

my server runs on linux. i doublechecked everything: switched back to 'orig server binarys' with the amxmodx-version of the hltv-record-plugin: works copied the rehlds-567-dev: "Invalid rcon challenge from: LOCAL_SERVER_IP:PORT" even installed regame_dll on top of rehlds: Invalid rcon challenge from: LOCAL_SERVER_IP:PORT


s1lentq commented 7 years ago

Did you try on Linux or Windows ?


@fred0r Are you sure that you updated latest core.so and proxy.so too?

fred0r commented 7 years ago

@s1lentq Yes - i always copied the whole content of the rehlhs-archive - overwriting the old binarys

fred0r commented 7 years ago

i reinstalled everything and i'll report back

fred0r commented 7 years ago

i tested on 2 different (linux) machines with a 'clean steamcmd install'+ reHLDS on top and still: Invalid rcon challenge from: xx.xxx.xx.xx perhaps the plugin-settings matter - i've:

autohltv_record 1 // - enables autorecording autohltv_path "demos/Server-TV" // - it means, that you will have "cstrike/demos/Server-TV-12389034.dem". autohltv_ignorebots 1 autohltv_minplayers 2 autohltv_pass xxxxxx // - the pass to control hltv. Go to the hltv.cfg and find adminpassword there. autohltv_time 0 // 0|1|2, 2 is default. 0 - no timer show as hudmessage. 1 - timer only for hltv. 2 - for all players. autohltv_delay 60.0 // - delay should be equal to delay in hltv.cfg (director.cfg) of HLTV-server configuration file.

LevShisterov commented 7 years ago

Do you run both hlds and hltv on the same machine? Do you have any network packet processing that might adjust packets?

fred0r commented 7 years ago

The HLTV was running on the same Machine and with the same User as the hlds-session. I used std. Distros like Debian and Ubuntu. There's no packet adjustment.

fred0r commented 7 years ago

version of hlds:

Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
ReHLDS version:
Build date: 11:08:28 May 21 2017 (1135)
Build from: https://github.com/dreamstalker/rehlds/commit/8276436

script to start hltv:

BINARYPATH="$(dirname "${0}")"
./hltv $@

startup of hltv:

Console initialized.
FileSystem initialized.
Network initialized.
Master module initialized.
Server module initialized.
World module initialized.
Demo client initialized.
Executing file hltv.cfg.
hltv.cfg loaded.
Proxy module initialized.
Type 'help' for a list of commands.
Challenging (1/3).
Get challenge (HASHEDCDKEY)
Connecting to (1/3).
>* Privileges set

Server # 1

Added 795 resources.
Received baseline with 95 entities.
Error: /raid/server/cs/cstrike/dlls/director.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Couldn't open config file director.cfg.
Director module initialized.
[S_API FAIL] SteamAPI_Init() failed; SteamAPI_IsSteamRunning() failed.
Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 10
dlopen failed trying to load:
with error:
/home/cs/.steam/sdk32/libsteam.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Executing rcon "say [HLTV] Starting record... " from
Invalid rcon challenge from:
>"autohltv_recording" changed to "1"


// set HLTV proxy name as shown in score board
name "HLTV Proxy""

// set HLTV name, how it should appear in game server browsers
hostname "Proxy"

//HLTV player slots - the number of people who can connect to HLTV
maxclients "10"

// set offline info text clients will see as reject reason if HLTV isn't broadcasting yet
offlinetext "Sorry, game is delayed. Please try again later."

// Delay between actual server play and HLTV broadcast
delay 60.0

// allow 3.5 KByte/sec as client rate. This is good a value
// for internet broadcasts. On LAN you may set this value to 10000
maxrate 50000
updaterate 90

// log HLTV console in proxy.log
logfile 1

// local chatting for HLTV spectators enabled
chatmode 1

// if the server the HLTV is connecting to has a password, enter it here
serverpassword   ""

// proxy's adim password for rcon, commentator etc.
adminpassword moep123

// show message for 5 seconds each 60 seconds in center of X axis (-1) and
// above help text bar (0.85). Color given as hexadecimal RGBA .
loopcmd 1 60 localmsg "SERVER" 5 -1 0.85 FFA000FF

// hltv.tga will be shown instead of the default HLTV logo in spectator GUI
// bannerfile "hltv.tga"

// these commands will be executed on connecting spectator client and may be used
// to adjust settings for HLTV (for example voice parameters)
signoncommands "voice_scale 2; voice_overdrive 16; volume 0.5; echo Voice adjusted for HLTV"

echo hltv.cfg loaded.

//Game Server Connection Info - enter the game server ip and port in the following
// format by adding a new line below the example shown. Then start your HLTV server

nomaster 1
blockvoice 1
// slowmotion 1.0

// Netsettings
maxqueries 1500
publicgame 1

status in hltv:

-- HLTV Status ---
Online 41:04, FPS 93.0, Version 1135 (Linux)
Local IP, Network In 4.3, Out 0.7, Loss 0.00
Local Slots 10, Spectators 0 (max 0), Proxies 0
Total Slots 10, Spectators 0 (max 0), Proxies 1
Connected to Game Server, Delay 60
Server Name "Test"
Game Time 01:99:48, Mod "cstrike", Map "de_dust2.bsp", Players 8

modules in hltv:

Module director, Interface director001, Version 1135
Module proxy001, Interface proxy001, Version 1135
Module demo, Interface democlient000, Version 1135
Module world001, Interface world001, Version 1135
Module server001, Interface server001, Version 1135
Module master, Interface master000, Version 1135
Module status, Interface status000, Version 1135
Module network001, Interface network001, Version 1135
fred0r commented 7 years ago

I now even symlinked these steam.so's hlds and hltv complained about, but no luck. Any Ideas ?

fred0r commented 7 years ago

i installed my servers via:

./steamcmd.sh +login $myREALuser +force_install_dir $PATH +app_update "90 -beta beta" +app_set_config 90 mod cstrike validate +quit

Installing without $myREALuser (anonymous) always didnt install/update cstrike itself.

@s1lentq :pls download cstrike by using your steam-acc to a seperate folder and test again :/

ghost commented 7 years ago

proxy.so issue. put pure .so check again ...

fred0r commented 7 years ago

@xomixo: where to get this 'pure.so' ? I dont compile by myself - i downloaded from that url from the github-page: http://nexus.rehlds.org/nexus/content/repositories/rehlds-dev/rehlds/rehlds/ Inside these recent Archives there's only one sort of binary.

fred0r commented 7 years ago

@xomixo: WOW - THANK YOU ! i now updated my default downloaded cstrike with everything BUT the new 'rehlds-'proxy.so: It works now :D I also checked if these demos are viewable by 'playdemo': they work.

ghost commented 7 years ago

著HLTV proxy.so (pure)

rcon hltv signal
Online 04:05, FPS 13994.1, Version 6153 (Linux)
rcon hltv signal
Online 04:12, FPS 10855.8, Version 6153 (Linux)
rcon hltv signal
Online 04:12, FPS 8516.3, Version 6153 (Linux)

Executing rcon "signal" from IPv4:27890.
Online 04:05, FPS 13994.1, Version 6153 (Linux)
Executing rcon "signal" from IPv4:21785.
Online 04:12, FPS 10855.8, Version 6153 (Linux)
Executing rcon "signal" from IPv4:29338.
Online 04:12, FPS 8516.3, Version 6153 (Linux)


hltv signal
Online 00:13, FPS 12622.8, Version 1159 (Linux)
hltv signal
hltv signal

Executing rcon "signal" from IPv4:49781.
Online 00:13, FPS 12622.8, Version 1159 (Linux)
Invalid rcon challenge from: IPv4:61643
Invalid rcon challenge from: IPv4:22726
s1lentq commented 7 years ago

please let me know if the issue persists

fred0r commented 7 years ago

I used the latest version ( and now the Demos are created. Thank you !

fred0r commented 7 years ago

It looks like it still behaves a little different. Since Ages i'm using HLSW to manage the server and the reHLTV-Instance doesnt show its configured Slots and the current delay during viewing the current players on the server. The 'orig'HLTV also shows these Parameters inside the 'player-name'