dreamwieber / AttributedMarkdown

Native Markdown Parsing to NSAttributedString on iOS
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Problem with iOS 6 #21

Closed breiko83 closed 10 years ago

breiko83 commented 10 years ago

I'm having an issue with iOS 6 and latin encoding:

// create a dictionary to hold your custom attributes for any Markdown types
NSDictionary *attributes = @{
                             @(EMPH): @{NSFontAttributeName : emFont},
                             @(PARA): @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : color,NSFontAttributeName : pFont},
                             @(STRONG): @{NSFontAttributeName : strongFont,},
                             @(LINK): @{NSForegroundColorAttributeName : linkColor}

// parse the markdown
NSAttributedString *prettyText = markdown_to_attr_string(description,0,attributes);

Phrase: " Il locale è accogliente e il menù "

iOS 7 is fine: " Il locale è accogliente e il menù "

iOS 6 is not: " Il locale Ë accogliente e il men˘ "

Any suggestion?

breiko83 commented 10 years ago

I'm also having problem with UTF8 encoding string: original text: farmacia (dal greco φάρμακον after markdown_to_attr_string: farmacia (dal greco ƬÁ¼±º¿½,

dreamwieber commented 10 years ago

Should be fixed now in master