dreautall / ha-stromnetzgraz

Home Assistant Custom Component for Stromnetz Graz
MIT License
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Do not find the entity stromnetzgraz: consumption #19

Closed haudi31 closed 2 months ago

haudi31 commented 2 months ago

I find both sensor:meter_ entities but not the one I would need to display the usage. I readded the integration but always only find "1 device" with 2 entities.

dreautall commented 2 months ago

Hi, which meter do you really want, the meter reading or the meter consumption one? The meter consumption one is.. not good. I can't backfill the data properly, so it looks like this: image

Do you have IME (15min) mode? It might take up to two days for it to be properly filled.

haudi31 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the answer. Would like to see my 15-min consumption. I have my ime installed for months.

I thought we should not use the meter enterties?

dreautall commented 2 months ago

Yes exactly. Sorry maybe a misunderstanding on my site initially.

The stromnetzgraz:energy_consumption:... sensors are "external statistics", which means they won't show up basically anywhere except the energy dashboard. It looks like you also can't query them via templates, at least not via states. No idea how you can fetch them short of querying the database directly :(

Might be a question better suited for the Home Assistant forums. There are a couple of other energy integrations using external statistics as well, but I haven't found anyone trying to make an own graph or something like that.