dredzik / polarbtdump

BT LE data dumper for Polar M400 (and other) watches
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Use with RPi and Polar Ignite Watch #1

Open JeffCdev opened 4 years ago

JeffCdev commented 4 years ago

Hi Adam, I hope this message finds you safe and well. Unusual times... I've got a Polar Ignite watch that I'm trying to pull the data from. I'm a beginner python person, and the python projects for USB communication don't work with this model watch. I found your project, and since it is using bluetooth, I'm thinking it might be worth a try. I have RPi, and can try to build a swift environment, but before I start, I wanted to ask if you had any idea if your code will have any issues running on a Pi, and also, what format the data is in once you have it off the watch? Thanks!

ccdredzik commented 4 years ago

Hey @JeffCdev!

Sorry for the long response time.

I am not really sure how will RPi handle it. When I first started trying to reverse engineer the M400, RPi didn't really allow me to do so too well. But it might have been me doing something wrong.

Internally, they store data and communicate using Google Protocol Buffers. Unless something changed, that is.

JeffCdev commented 4 years ago

Thanks so very much for getting back to me!!! Not good news about the Rpi, I may need to look at alternatives. The issue with using the python tools that folks have built with my model watch is that Polar changed the USB interface from HID to CDC ACM, which is why I was/ am hopeful that your app will bypass the problem. Here's the relevant thread on github about the USB change: https://github.com/cmaion/polar/issues/10 And this was my first attempt to pull the data, but suffers from the same USB issue: https://github.com/rsc-dev/loophole