dreed47 / WifiMQTTManager

ESP32/ESP8266 library for managing your IoT devices.
GNU General Public License v3.0
82 stars 33 forks source link

I went through WiFiMQTTManager.cpp and updated the code to be compliant with ArduinoJson 7. It compiles without errors and I am running tests. #28

Open rpetty2022 opened 6 months ago

rpetty2022 commented 6 months ago

/ WiFiMQTTManager.cpp - Library for the ESP8266/ESP32 Arduino platform for configuration of WiFi and MQTT credentials using a Captive Portal Written by David Reed hashmark47@gmail.com GNU license

include "WiFiMQTTManager.h"

WiFiManager *wm;

WiFiMQTTManager::WiFiMQTTManager(int resetPin, char* APpassword) { wm = new WiFiManager;

lastMsg = 0; formatFS = false; _APpassword = APpassword; strcpy(_mqtt_server, "YOURMQTTADDRESS"); strcpy(_mqtt_port, "1883"); _LED_BUILTIN = 2; _lastMsg = 0; _value = 0; _shouldSaveConfig = false; //byte* message;

Serial.begin(115200); void _placeholderSubscibeTo(); subscribeTo = _placeholderSubscibeTo; void _subscriptionCallback(char topicIn, byte message, unsigned int length); subscriptionCallback = _subscriptionCallback; wm->setDebugOutput(false); pinMode(resetPin, INPUT); _resetPin = resetPin;

ifdef ESP32

strcpy(deviceType, "ESP32");

elif defined(ESP8266)

strcpy(deviceType, "ESP8266");


strcpy(deviceType, "UNKNOWN");



void WiFiMQTTManager::loop() { _checkButton(); if (!client->connected()) { _reconnect(); }
client->loop(); }

void WiFiMQTTManager::setup(String sketchName) { _sketchName = sketchName;


String _chipId = String(WIFI_getChipId(),HEX); String _mac = String(WiFi.macAddress()); _mac.toLowerCase(); _mac.replace(":", ""); _mac.replace("240ac4", "a"); // vendor = Espressif Inc. String clientId = "ESP" + _mac;

strcpy(chipId, _chipId.c_str()); strcpy(clientId, _clientId.c_str()); strcpy(deviceId, _clientId.c_str());

Serial.print("WMM: clientId: "); Serial.println(clientId);

_setupSpiffs(); //set config save notify callback wm->setSaveConfigCallback([&]() { Serial.println("WMM: should save config..."); _shouldSaveConfig = true; }); wm->setClass("invert"); // dark theme

WiFiManagerParameter custom_friendly_name("name", "Friendly Name", _friendly_name, 40); WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_server("server", "MQTT Server", _mqtt_server, 40); WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_port("port", "MQTT Port", _mqtt_port, 6); //WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_username("username", "mqtt username", _mqtt_username, 40); //WiFiManagerParameter custom_mqtt_password("password", "mqtt password", _mqtt_password, 40); wm->addParameter(&custom_friendly_name); wm->addParameter(&custom_mqtt_server); wm->addParameter(&custom_mqtt_port); //wm->addParameter(&custom_mqtt_username); //wm->addParameter(&custom_mqtt_password);

wm->setAPCallback([&](WiFiManager *myWiFiManager) { Serial.println("WMM: entering config mode..."); Serial.print("WMM: "); Serial.println(WiFi.softAPIP()); Serial.print("WMM: connect your device to WiFi SSID "); Serial.print(myWiFiManager->getConfigPortalSSID()); Serial.println(" to configure WiFi and MQTT..."); });

Serial.println("WMM: lets try to connect to WiFi..."); if (!wm->autoConnect(clientId, _APpassword)) { Serial.println("WMM: failed to connect and hit timeout..."); delay(3000); ESP.restart(); delay(5000); } Serial.println("WMM: connected to WiFi!!...");

//read updated parameters strcpy(_friendly_name, custom_friendly_name.getValue()); strcpy(_mqtt_server, custom_mqtt_server.getValue()); strcpy(_mqtt_port, custom_mqtt_port.getValue()); //strcpy(_mqtt_username, custom_mqtt_username.getValue()); //strcpy(_mqtt_password, custom_mqtt_password.getValue());

//save the custom parameters to FS if (_shouldSaveConfig) { Serial.println("WMM: saving config..."); // DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; JsonDocument doc; // JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.createObject(); //doc["key"] = "value"; //doc["raw"] = serialized("[1,2,3]"); doc["friendly_name"] = _friendly_name; doc["mqtt_server"] = _mqtt_server; doc["mqtt_port"] = _mqtt_port; serializeJson(doc, Serial); //json["friendly_name"] = _friendly_name; //json["mqtt_server"] = _mqtt_server; //json["mqtt_port"] = _mqtt_port; //json["mqtt_username"] = _mqtt_username; //json["mqtt_password"] = _mqtt_password;

File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/config.json", "w");
if (!configFile) {
  Serial.println("WMM: failed to open config file for writing...");

serializeJson(doc, Serial);
serializeJson(doc, configFile);
_shouldSaveConfig = false;


Serial.println("WMM: "); Serial.print("WMM: local IP:"); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());

unsigned short port = (unsigned short) strtoul(_mqtt_port, NULL, 0);

Serial.print("WMM: _mqtt_server: "); Serial.println(_mqtt_server); Serial.print("WMM: _mqtt_port: "); Serial.println(_mqtt_port);

Serial.print("WMM: clientId: "); Serial.println(clientId);

client.reset(new PubSubClient(_espClient)); client->setServer(_mqtt_server, port);

Serial.print("WMM: attempting MQTT connection..."); if (!client->connect(clientId)) { Serial.println("failed to connect to MQTT..."); delay(3000); wm->resetSettings(); ESP.restart(); delay(5000);
} else { Serial.println("mqtt connected...via setup..."); subscribeTo(); _subscribeToServices(); client->setCallback(subscriptionCallback); } _registerDevice(); }

void WiFiMQTTManager::_setupSpiffs(){ if (formatFS == true) { Serial.print("WMM: formatting FS...please wait..... "); //clean FS, for testing SPIFFS.format(); }

//read configuration from FS json Serial.println("WMM: mounting FS...");

if (SPIFFS.begin()) { Serial.println("WMM: mounted file system..."); if (SPIFFS.exists("/config.json")) { //file exists, reading and loading Serial.println("WMM: reading config file..."); File configFile = SPIFFS.open("/config.json", "r"); if (configFile) { Serial.println("WMM: opened config file..."); size_t size = configFile.size(); // Allocate a buffer to store contents of the file. std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[size]); configFile.readBytes(buf.get(), size); //*DynamicJsonBuffer jsonBuffer; //*JsonDocument jsonBuffer; JsonDocument doc; // DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, json); // if (error) // return; // int value = doc["value"]; // JsonObject& json = jsonBuffer.parseObject(buf.get()); //*DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(jsonBuffer, buf.get()); DeserializationError error = deserializeJson(doc, buf.get()); // json.printTo(Serial); serializeJson(doc, Serial); // if (json.success()) { if (!error) {
Serial.println("\nWMM: parsed json..."); //
strcpy(_friendly_name, json["friendly_name"]); strcpy(_friendly_name, doc["friendly_name"]); // strcpy(_mqtt_server, json["mqtt_server"]); strcpy(_mqtt_server, doc["mqtt_server"]); // strcpy(_mqtt_port, json["mqtt_port"]); strcpy(_mqtt_port, doc["mqtt_port"]); //strcpy(_mqtt_username, json["mqtt_username"]); //strcpy(_mqtt_password, json["mqtt_password"]); } else { Serial.println("WMM: failed to load json config..."); } } } else { Serial.println("WMM: could not find config file..."); } } else { Serial.println("WMM: failed to mount FS"); Serial.println("WMM: formating FS...re-upload to try again..."); SPIFFS.format(); } }

void WiFiMQTTManager::_checkButton() { // check for button press if ( digitalRead(_resetPin) == LOW ) { // poor mans debounce/press-hold, code not ideal for production delay(50); if( digitalRead(_resetPin) == LOW ){ Serial.println("WMM: button Pressed..."); // still holding button for 3000 ms, reset settings, code not ideal for production delay(3000); // reset delay hold if( digitalRead(_resetPin) == LOW ){ Serial.println("WMM: button held..."); Serial.println("WMM: erasing config, restarting..."); wm->resetSettings(); ESP.restart(); }



} }

void WiFiMQTTManager::_reconnect() { // Loop until we're reconnected while (!client->connected()) { Serial.print("WMM: attempting MQTT connection..."); // Attempt to connect

if (client->connect(clientId) == true) {
  Serial.println("mqtt connected...via reconnect loop...");
  // Subscribe
} else {
  Serial.print("mqtt connect failed, rc=");
  Serial.println(" try again in 5 seconds...");
  // Wait 5 seconds before retrying

} } void WiFiMQTTManager::setDebugOutput(bool b) { wm->setDebugOutput(b); }

void WiFiMQTTManager::_registerDevice() {

// StaticJsonBuffer<2000> JSONbuffer; JsonDocument doc; // JsonObject& root = JSONbuffer.createObject(); // JsonObject& root = doc.createObject(); //Serial.println(WiFi.macAddress());

// root["time"] = 1351824120; // doc["time"] = 1351824120; // root["deviceType"] = deviceType; doc["deviceType"] = deviceType; // root["deviceId"] = deviceId; doc["deviceId"] = deviceId; // root["name"] = _friendly_name; doc["name"] = _friendly_name; // root["chipId"] = chipId; doc["chipId"] = chipId; // root["sketchName"] = _sketchName; doc["sketchName"] = _sketchName;

char topic[200]; char messageBuffer[2000]; snprintf(topic, sizeof(topic), "%s%s", "deviceLog/", deviceId);

//* root.printTo(messageBuffer, sizeof(messageBuffer)); serializeJson(doc, Serial);

Serial.print("Sending message to MQTT topic: "); Serial.println(topic); //* root.prettyPrintTo(Serial); serializeJson(doc, Serial); Serial.println(); Serial.print("messageBuffer: "); Serial.println(messageBuffer);

if (client->publish(topic, messageBuffer) == true) { Serial.println("WMM: Success sending message to register the device..."); } else { Serial.println("WMM: Error sending message to register the device..."); }


void _placeholderSubscibeTo() { Serial.println("WMM: ....placeholderSubscibeTo called..."); }

void WiFiMQTTManager::_subscribeToServices() { char topic[100]; snprintf(topic, sizeof(topic), "%s%s", "service/", deviceId); client->subscribe(topic); }

void _settingsAP() { // start portal w delay Serial.println("WMM: starting config portal...");

wm->resetSettings(); ESP.restart();


void _subscriptionCallback(char topicIn, byte message, unsigned int length) { //Serial.println("WMM: _subscriptionCallback called..."); Serial.print("WMM: Message arrived on topic: "); Serial.print(topicIn); Serial.print(". Message: "); String messageTemp;

for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { Serial.print((char)message[i]); messageTemp += (char)message[i]; } Serial.println();

if (messageTemp == "restart") { Serial.println("RESTARTING NOW!!!!"); ESP.restart(); }

if (messageTemp == "format FS") { Serial.println("FORMATTING FS NOW!!!!"); Serial.print("WMM: formatting FS...please wait..... "); //clean FS, for testing SPIFFS.format(); ESP.restart(); }

if (messageTemp == "settingsAP") { Serial.println("STARTING Settings AP NOW!!!!"); _settingsAP(); }