dreemurrs-embedded / Pine64-Arch

:penguin: Arch Linux ARM for your PinePhone/Pro and PineTab/2
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Pinephone kernel no Overlay Filesystem Module set #539

Closed valdesvj closed 1 year ago

valdesvj commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce

Installing docker. docker info shows: ....... Storage Driver: vfs .......

Expected behavior

Docker should use the overlayfs storage driver: ...... Storage Driver: overlay2 .....

Actual behavior

When using vfs driver docker is eating to much space, about 20GB extra space for a HomeAssistant.

Logfiles and additional information

In the config file for the kernel for pinephone the module the Overlay FS module is not set ...... CONFIG_OVERLAY_FS is not set ...... Please could this module be added to the kernel.