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Consider disabling A-GPS by default/getting expicit user consent to enable it #542

Closed Raupinger closed 4 months ago

Raupinger commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce

use any location service

Expected behavior

GPS is used to get the location, no data is shared with third parties

Actual behavior

the phone communicates with qualcomms location services to improve speed/accuracy

Logfiles and additional information

this came up while we discussed this slightly missleading article on discord. Checking my pihole logs, while my FP3 does in fact not query qualcomms domain, my pinephone does. This feature was added to eg25-manager here. I personally appreciate the added convenience of A-GPS but other users might prefer not using it for privacy reasons.

ArenM commented 1 year ago

Perhaps it would make sense to run a proxy server instead of connecting to izatcloud directly?

Building a gui would take a lot of work because there's a couple layers (some of which don't currently talk to each other) between eg25-manager and a typical application that uses the gps.

I suspect it would make more sense to have this discussion on the eg25-manager repo, since it isn't specific to danctnix. Also I get the sense that Mobian (eg25-manager is their project) and pmos (who the person that implemented agps is associated with) have more resources to run this sort of infrastructure.

Also the article you linked greatly exaggerates the amount of data shared, at least from the PinePhone. eg25-manager makes a get request using curl, so the only data shared is your ip address, and the default curl user agent.