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Some windows wider than the phone display #632

Closed lindenr closed 2 months ago

lindenr commented 2 months ago

Device info

Apologies if I'm missing something obvious! I've only just recently starting using a pinephone.

Describe the bug Firefox and gedit windows are too wide for the phone.

To Reproduce Install firefox and gedit via sudo pacman -S firefox gedit.

Open firefox or gedit and observe that the right-hand side of all windows is out of the screen view area, and unscrollable.

On gedit you can keep typing and there are several characters which get typed out of visibility before word wrap kicks in.

Firefox's chrome is partially hidden as well as the displayed web pages, whereas gedit's chrome seems to be rendering correctly and just the textarea has a hidden part.

The terminal window foot displays correctly.

swaymsg seems to claim that all the windows I have, including gedit, firefox, and foot, are 360 pixels wide (which is as expected given the 2x scaling). I don't know how to ask firefox or gedit how wide they think their windows are, sorry.

Expected behavior The windows are the same width as the phone screen, no hidden UI elements.

Before submitting a bug report, please be sure that you have done the following:

Danct12 commented 2 months ago

Duplicate of #98