dreixel / syb

Scrap Your Boilerplate generic programming library in Haskell
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Test suite failures on ghc-9.4.2 #38

Closed lf- closed 2 years ago

lf- commented 2 years ago

I was building syb against ghc-9.4.2 from Nix and found that the test suite is broken. Here's the failure:

running tests
Running 1 test suites...
Test suite unit-tests: RUNNING...
  Datatype:   FAIL
    expected: "(MyDataType Int,(DataType {tycon = \"MyDataType\", datarep = AlgRep [MyDataType]},(\"\",(\"MyDataType\",(\"\",\"MyDataType\")))))"
     but got: "(MyDataType Int,(DataType {tycon = \"Datatype.MyDataType\", datarep = AlgRep [MyDataType]},(\"\",(\"MyDataType\",(\"Datatype\",\"MyDataType\")))))"
    Use -p '/Datatype/' to rerun this test only.
  FoldTree:   OK
  GetC:       OK
  GMapQAssoc: OK
  GRead:      OK
  GShow:      OK
  GShow2:     OK
  HList:      OK
  HOPat:      OK
  Labels:     OK
  Newtype:    OK
  Perm:       OK
  Twin:       OK
  Typecase1:  OK
  Typecase2:  OK
  Where:      OK
  XML:        OK
  Tree:       OK
  Strings:    OK
  Reify:      OK
  Paradise:   OK
  GZip:       OK
  GEq:        OK
  GenUpTo:    OK
  FreeNames:  OK
  Ext1:       OK
  Ext2:       OK
  Bits:       OK (0.04s)
  Builders:   OK

1 out of 29 tests failed (0.04s)
Test suite unit-tests: FAIL
Test suite logged to: dist/test/syb-
0 of 1 test suites (0 of 1 test cases) passed.
sergv commented 2 years ago

I have released which fixes this.