PopOS! 22.04, Cura 5.1.1, latest dremel and AutoTowers plugins
I am trying to print a retraction tower and it is failing like shown in the video. The sound you hear is the extruder stepper motor, trying to rapid feed PLA in like in a purge maneuver, but skipping and not grabbing the plastic fast enough. when you feed it, it really sucks it in like a purge.
I do not see a purge function on the google document, maybe you see an error at the end of this code right away?
the gcode:retraction1-6.txt
PopOS! 22.04, Cura 5.1.1, latest dremel and AutoTowers plugins
I am trying to print a retraction tower and it is failing like shown in the video. The sound you hear is the extruder stepper motor, trying to rapid feed PLA in like in a purge maneuver, but skipping and not grabbing the plastic fast enough. when you feed it, it really sucks it in like a purge.
I do not see a purge function on the google document, maybe you see an error at the end of this code right away?