dresco / STM32H7xx

grblHAL driver for STM32H7xx processors
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TMC5160 not working #17

Closed joaobarros closed 1 month ago

joaobarros commented 8 months ago

When trying an SKR3 with TMC5160 drivers I get this on startup:

<0D><0A>[MSG:Warning: Could not communicate with stepper driver!]<0D><0A> BTW, the btt_skr_v3.0_map.h file has this typo, could be related: // The BTT SKR-3 uses software SPI #define TRINAIC_SOFT_SPI
dresco commented 8 months ago

Thanks for pointing that out, is definitely a typo. How are you building?

If using PlatformIO (or the web builder), then it shouldn't actually matter, as TRINAMIC_SOFT_SPI is already defined from the platformio.ini file. However, it will affect STMCubeIDE builds if you have (for instance) taken one of the existing BTT SKR3 entries and changed TRINAMIC_ENABLE to 5160..

Am currently travelling for a few weeks, so afraid I'll not be able to test anything in the short term..

joaobarros commented 8 months ago

Hi, I used the webbuilder

dresco commented 7 months ago

Hi, I used the webbuilder

Thanks, I'll be back from travelling in a few days, will be able to take a look then..

dresco commented 7 months ago

Hi, just back home and starting to look at this..

It does seem to be working for me with a local build and a single 5160 breakout board attached via jumper wires (I don't have any 5160 plug-in modules).

Could you perhaps share your web builder config with me (from the "save board" button)? Thanks!

dresco commented 7 months ago

btw, have pushed a fix for the typo in the first comment, thanks for bringing that to my attention! (wouldn't impact the webbuilder images though, so not the cause of your issue)

dresco commented 7 months ago

(wouldn't impact the webbuilder images though, so not the cause of your issue)

Actually, I take that back. On further thought I believe it would have affected webbuilder images (just not local platformio builds). Will get that updated..