dresco / STM32H7xx

grblHAL driver for STM32H7xx processors
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Octopus Max no com port #28

Closed T4KUUY4 closed 1 month ago

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

I have some issues with the compiled binary for an OCtopus MAX ez, H723 with 5160 and sense resistor set to 50. MPG mode is also set to TEST2. The firmware flashes normally over DFU, but doesnt show up in device manager nor lsusb on linux. Only after 20 seconds as "unknown device descriptor". Is there a fix for this?

dresco commented 1 month ago

Hi, possibly a bug in the spindle PWM settings that I haven't had a chance to look into yet.

See this comment, and maybe try building with spindle set to on/off to test?

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

Hi, possibly a bug in the spindle PWM settings that I haven't had a chance to look into yet.

See this comment, and maybe try building with spindle set to on/off to test?

Thanks for the quick Response. I havent tried that yet. Ill compile with spindle disabled or set to on/off and let you know.

Thanks, Tom

dresco commented 1 month ago

@T4KUUY4 Have just taken a quick look at the code, and see what's wrong. PA1 isn't defined as an available PWM port, I suspect is just crashing during startup.

Will fix in the next update, hopefully next week..

Cheers, Jon.

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

@T4KUUY4 Have just taken a quick look at the code, and see what's wrong. PA1 isn't defined as an available PWM port, I suspect is just crashing during startup.

Will fix in the next update, hopefully next week..

Cheers, Jon.

Oh nice find! Thanks for the update and for looking at it. I can try to set that pin manually today+ flash to see if it works.

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

Yep. Can confirm, setting the spindle to on/off, makes the board show up with a com port

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

One more question regarding the output pins like fans etc. How can i enable these to say... control a fan via a gcode command? EDIT: fans plugin. completely overlooked it. That cant be enabled in the web builder aswell. maybe an issue with the "0 input and output aux pins"?

dresco commented 1 month ago

How can i enable these to say... control a fan via a gcode command?

Yes, I think either by using the fans plugin, or I believe there are M codes for controlling unclaimed aux outputs? I've not used either tbh, so may be better off asking in the core repo..

I'll check the web builder configuration, the digital outputs probably just need to be defined there also.

Depending what your plans are for a spindle, you may need additional outputs defining in the map file as well, as there are currently just the three aux outputs that may be mapped to spindle control.

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

How can i enable these to say... control a fan via a gcode command?

Yes, I think either by using the fans plugin, or I believe there are M codes for controlling unclaimed aux outputs? I've not used either tbh, so may be better off asking in the core repo..

I'll check the web builder configuration, the digital outputs probably just need to be defined there also.

Depending what your plans are for a spindle, you may need additional outputs defining in the map file as well, as there are currently just the three aux outputs that may be mapped to spindle control.

I added 4 more outputs via the board map file and these work perfectly. the only thing is, the driver seems to freak out at 3+ fans enabled. if fans_enable is set to 2, i can control these with M106/7 P0 and P1

#define AUXOUTPUT3_PORT             GPIOA   // FAN2
#define AUXOUTPUT3_PIN              4
#define AUXOUTPUT4_PORT             GPIOA   // FAN3
#define AUXOUTPUT4_PIN              3
#define AUXOUTPUT5_PORT             GPIOF   // HE3
#define AUXOUTPUT5_PIN              7
#define AUXOUTPUT6_PORT             GPIOF   // HE2
#define AUXOUTPUT6_PIN              9

However, 4 controllable outputs (Air, mist and two fans) is plenty for my usecase. now i just need the spindle to work for PWM (0-10V VFD)

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

With "the driver seems to freak out", I mean that only 2 fans show up but they dont work. (if 4 selected. 4 outputs are available as per above). But not as Fan0 and Fan1. more like Fan2 and Fan3. so 2 are missing and also cant be assigned with $386 etc M106 also says "not a valid command"

dresco commented 1 month ago

With "the driver seems to freak out", I mean that only 2 fans show up but they dont work


I'll take a look, am working on a board here with 4 aux outputs.. Cheers, Jon.

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

With "the driver seems to freak out", I mean that only 2 fans show up but they dont work


I'll take a look, am working on a board here with 4 aux outputs.. Cheers, Jon.

Awesome. Thank you very much.

dresco commented 1 month ago

Have played around a bit with the fans plugin here, and seems to be working as expected for me?

It did take me a while to work out that I needed to explicitly map each fan to an available Aux input with the $386-$389 settings, before that I was getting an error on startup that a configured port number wasn't available.

I have some other changes queued up to push, so I'll address the PWM spindle output next.

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

Have played around a bit with the fans plugin here, and seems to be working as expected for me?

It did take me a while to work out that I needed to explicitly map each fan to an available Aux input with the $386-$389 settings, before that I was getting an error on startup that a configured port number wasn't available.

I have some other changes queued up to push, so I'll address the PWM spindle output next.

Interesting. For me, i couldnt even map it because it said $386 isnt an available command or so. I can have a look at it aswell. Maybe an error on my end

dresco commented 1 month ago

For me, i couldnt even map it because it said $386 isnt an available command or so.

Yes, I also noticed that the settings code in the fan plugin worked backwards through the array of fan outputs, and didn't get any further than the one it failed on.

So initially I only had setting $389 (Fan3) available (which was failing, as it conflicted with an Aux port being used for spindle control), but after setting that to another free port & resetting, it carried on with $388 (Fan2), $387 (Fan1), and $386 (Fan0).

dresco commented 1 month ago

Could you test the following patch for me please? Should fix the PWM spindle issue for the Octopus Max..

diff --git a/Src/pwm.c b/Src/pwm.c
index ebc9b60..67821de 100644
--- a/Src/pwm.c
+++ b/Src/pwm.c
@@ -38,6 +38,10 @@ static const pwm_signal_t pwm_pin[] = {
         .en = timerCCEN(1, N), .pol = timerCCP(1, N), .ois = timerCR2OIS(1, N), .ocm = timerOCM(1, 1), .ocmc = timerOCM(1, 1)
+    {
+        .port = GPIOA, .pin = 1, .timer = timer(2), .ccr = &timerCCR(2, 2), .ccmr = &timerCCMR(2, 1), .af = timerAF(2, 1),
+        .en = timerCCEN(2, ), .pol = timerCCP(2, ), .ois = timerCR2OIS(2, ), .ocm = timerOCM(1, 2), .ocmc = timerOCM(1, 2)
+    },
         .port = GPIOA, .pin = 8, .timer = timer(1), .ccr = &timerCCR(1, 1), .ccmr = &timerCCMR(1, 1), .af = timerAF(1, 1),
         .en = timerCCEN(1, ), .pol = timerCCP(1, ), .ois = timerCR2OIS(1, ), .ocm = timerOCM(1, 1), .ocmc = timerOCM(1, 1)
T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

Sure thing. Let me grab my board

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

@dresco Okay so the board flashed fine and is now detected. i only have 5V available right now through USB so i cant test my 0-10V spindle pwm voltage right now. but the board is showing up fine now.

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

between which 2 pins should i see 5V (assuming i set it to 12k, on a 24k max spindle). V+ and PWM? Im guessing i should set the jumper to 12V. to be as close to Spindle max (10V) as possible? I know that a multimeter will never pick that up. just so i can wire it up correctly.

dresco commented 1 month ago

Thanks for testing so quickly.

You should see the actual PWM signal on the FAN4 header. Am not sure any of the BTT boards have a native 0-10V analog output do they? Will check the published schematic tomorrow..

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for testing so quickly.

You should see the actual PWM signal on the FAN4 header. Am not sure any of the BTT boards have a native 0-10V analog output do they? Will check the published schematic tomorrow..

Glad i could help. As far as im aware, they dont have a native 0-10V analog output. They only have PWM outputs with selectable Voltage on the V+ pin. (5, 12, 24). I have no problem with using a PWM to analog converter if thats possible

dresco commented 1 month ago

They only have PWM outputs with selectable Voltage on the V+ pin. (5, 12, 24). I have no problem with using a PWM to analog converter if thats possible

Yes, looks that way to me also. Another option could be modbus control of the VFD (if supported). There is power + serial port on the TFT header in the bottom right for this - would just need a cheapo external RS485 transceiver board.

T4KUUY4 commented 1 month ago

Thats true. I need the uart for a smartPendant so i cant use modbus sadly. I will go for the pwm-analog converter. As soon as my drivers are here, ill install everything to fully test.

dresco commented 1 month ago

Spindle PWM fix is now available in the Web Builder