dresden-weekly / ansible-network-interfaces

Ansible roles to manage Ubuntu network interface configuration
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Check mode breaks because path and dest undefined #35

Closed CheRuisiBesares closed 8 years ago

CheRuisiBesares commented 8 years ago

Hey, firstly thanks for putting this module together its been really helpful in getting our own module in working order. I noticed that this thing breaks when you run it in check mode. I looked at the template module and annoyingly it returns something different depending on how its run and the change set. It seems like running the template module in check mode doesn't return path or dest? I tested with something silly like this:

- template:
    dest: /tmp/test
    src: test.j2
  register: test

- debug: var=test

When I run it in check mode I get:

    "test": {
        "changed": true, 
        "diff": {
            "after": "", 
            "after_header": "dynamically generated", 
            "before": ""

and when I run it without check I get:

    "test": {
        "changed": true, 
        "checksum": "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709", 
        "dest": "/tmp/test", 
        "diff": {
            "after": "", 
            "after_header": "dynamically generated", 
            "before": ""
        "gid": 0, 
        "group": "root", 
        "md5sum": "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", 
        "mode": "0644", 
        "owner": "root", 
        "size": 0, 
        "src": "/home/ubuntu/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1471991735.19-268768173190611/source", 
        "state": "file", 
        "uid": 0


    "test": {
        "changed": false, 
        "diff": {
            "after": {
                "path": "/tmp/test"
            "before": {
                "path": "/tmp/test"
        "gid": 0, 
        "group": "root", 
        "mode": "0644", 
        "owner": "root", 
        "path": "/tmp/test", 
        "size": 0, 
        "state": "file", 
        "uid": 0

luckily when you run run it with_items each of the items will have a invocation section like:

"invocation": {
                    "module_args": {
                        "dest": "/tmp/test", 
                        "src": "test.j2"
                    "module_name": "template"

Since we will always be using template maybe we can just grab this out all the time? Or just in the case that path and dest aren't defined? Im not sure what you want to do here but it would be cool to have this able to run through a check.

Anyway possible I missed something in there but just thought I would bring this up since Im not sure if anyone else was seeing this issue.

Thanks again.

arBmind commented 8 years ago

Hey @CheRuisiBesares, thank you for this pull request. I never tried the check mode with this module. Your proposal is very well thought out. I am very glad to merge this.