dresende / node-orm2

Object Relational Mapping
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how can i get Person info with Animal.find(…) #709

Open coolneka opened 8 years ago

coolneka commented 8 years ago

Eg: Animal.hasOne('owner', Person). I want to get an animal list with its owner info like: [{id:1 , person_id:1 ,name:dog ,owner:{id:1 ,name: jack}, {id:2 , person_id:2,name:cat ,owner:{id:2 ,name: tom}] how can i do with node-orm2 ,thanks !!!

dxg commented 8 years ago


coolneka commented 8 years ago

seems .eager('owner') dosen't work , I still get : [{id:1 , person_id:1 ,name:dog }, {id:2 , person_id:2 ,name:cat }]

dxg commented 8 years ago

pet.owner.name ?

coolneka commented 8 years ago

yeah , is there some convenience method for to do this

dxg commented 8 years ago

I suspect the problem is that .owner is not enumerable and so a basic JSON.stringify won't work. You may need to map:

_.map(items, function (i) { return _.extend({}, i, { owner: i.owner }) })

..although it should be enumerable :-\

coolneka commented 8 years ago

problem unsolved; this is my topic Model:

module.exports = function (orm, db) {
    var ti_topic = db.define('ti_topic', {
            id     : { type: 'text', required: true , key:true},
            user_id      : { type: 'text' },
            topic_name      : { type: 'text' },
            topic_cotent      : { type: 'text' },
            support_frequency      : { type: 'integer' },
            reply_frequency      : { type: 'integer' },
            views      : { type: 'integer' },
            in_date : { type: 'date', time: true },
            up_date : { type: 'date', time: true }
            hooks: {
                beforeValidation: function () {
                        this.id = randomGen.alphaNum(15);
                        this.in_date = new Date();
                    this.up_date = new Date();

    ti_topic.hasOne('user' ,db.models.ti_user ,{field:'user_id' ,reverse:'topics'})

this is my topic-data-interface

list : function(req, res, next){
        var result = {};
        var datas = new Array();
        req.models.ti_topic.find({}).eager('user').all(function(err ,topics){
            if(err) return next(err);
            var items =  _.map(topics ,function(i){
                var data = _.extend({} ,i ,{user : i.user})
                return data;
            result.data = items;
        }).count(function(err ,count){
            result.count = count;

Still ,I can't get my user info

I've tried to use the getOwner Method in a foreach circle structure :

list : function(req, res, next){
        var result = {};
        var datas = new Array();
        req.models.ti_topic.find().all(function(err ,topics){
            if(err) return next(err);
            var i = 0 ;
                topic.getUser(function(err ,user){
                    if(err) return next(err);
                    if(i === topics.length){
                        result.data = datas;
        }).count(function(err ,count){
            result.count = count;


but i get an error:

TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
    at Object.stringify (native)
    at ServerResponse.json (E:\开发\node\node_modules\express\lib\response.js:24
    at E:\开发\node\app\controllers\topic_controller.js:99:29
    at saveAndReturn (E:\开发\node\node_modules\node-orm\lib\Associations\One.js
    at Object.exports.get (E:\开发\node\node_modules\node-orm\lib\Singleton.js:2
    at E:\开发\node\node_modules\node-orm\lib\Model.js:299:14
    at Query._callback (E:\开发\node\node_modules\node-orm\lib\Drivers\DML\mysql
    at Query.Sequence.end (E:\开发\node\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequence
    at Query._handleFinalResultPacket (E:\开发\node\node_modules\mysql\lib\proto
    at Query.EofPacket (E:\开发\node\node_modules\mysql\lib\protocol\sequences\Q

now , I am trying to do this with Raw queries

coolneka commented 8 years ago

Maybe ,we should add support to Database View..

coolneka commented 8 years ago

@dxg seems problem solved , when i have Animal.hasOne('owner', Person ,{autoFetch:true}). I can get owner info withAnimal.find(…) but it cause another problem: how do i use Animal.find(…) with a result not contain its owner info

coolneka commented 8 years ago

Is there an option for us to decide whether or not Animal.find(…)contains its owner info