dresende / node-orm2

Object Relational Mapping
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Associations, "hasOne" , pkgCat.getQuest is not a function #797

Open mohammad-goldast opened 7 years ago

mohammad-goldast commented 7 years ago

Hi, im new in ORM, and i have a problem with "hasOne" . I defined this models in Models.js : ` module.exports = function(db, cb) { db.define('Users', { fullName : String, userName : String, passWord : String, phoneNum : String, codeMelli : String, state : String, pkgId : Number, pkgCatId : Number }); db.define('Pkg', { name : String, }); db.define('pkgCat', { name : String, parentId : Number, pkgId : Number }); db.define('Questions', { subject : String, pkgCatId : Number }); db.define('Answers', { questId : String, userId : Number }); Questions.hasOne('owner', pkgCat, {reverse: 'quest'}) return cb(); }

` so when i want to get all record in Questions table , i see this error :

TypeError: pkgCat.getQuest is not a function at Object.module.exports.homePage (/home/mohammad/workSpace/officialPj/omraneManavi/db/api.js:18:16) at /home/mohammad/workSpace/officialPj/omraneManavi/routes/apiRouter.js:18:11 at Layer.handle [as handle_request] (/home/mohammad/workSpace/officialPj/omraneManavi/node_modules/express/lib/router/layer.js:95:5) at next (/home/mohammad/workSpace/officialPj/omraneManavi/node_modules/express/lib/router/route.js:137:1....

and i have a query like this : pkgCat.getQuest(function(err, pnt) { console.log(pnt); }) also i have a config file , like this : ` app.use(orm.express("mysql://root:0201243@localhost/omraneManaviApp", { define: function (db, models, next) { db.use(paging); db.load('./models', function(err) { Users = db.models.users; Pkg = db.models.pkg; pkgCat = db.models.pkgCat; Questions = db.models.Questions; Answers = db.models.Answers; });

    console.log('connected mysql');



})); `

Does anyone know why this happens? Or how to solve this? Thanks!

Versions: "node": "4.2.6", "mysql": "^2.13.0", "orm": "^3.2.4",