drestebon / papageorge

Simple client for the Free Internet Chess Server
GNU General Public License v3.0
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problem with analysis bot - what about ICU to use engines running locally? #46

Open enricoT opened 8 years ago

enricoT commented 8 years ago
Move  giacomoscac        sadhaka            
----  ----------------   ----------------
  1.  e4      (0:00)     c5      (0:00)  
  2.  Nc3     (0:29)     g6      (0:39)  
  3.  g3      (3:04)     Bg7     (0:28)  
  4.  Bg2     (0:03)     e6      (1:48)  
  5.  d3      (0:39)     Ne7     (1:05)  
  6.  Be3     (1:23)     d6      (4:00)  
  7.  Qd2     (0:06)     O-O     (0:56)  
  8.  Bh6     (3:59)     Nbc6    (1:25)  
  9.  h4      (3:00)     Bxh6    (1:58)  
 10.  Qxh6    (0:05)     Kh8     (1:16)  
 11.  h5      (5:31)     Ng8     (0:25)  
 12.  Qd2     (0:05)     Re8     (6:33)  
 13.  hxg6    (1:38)     fxg6    (0:31)  
 14.  O-O-O   (1:48)     a6      (1:05)  
 15.  Nh3     (4:02)     d5      (3:24)  
 16.  exd5    (1:40)     exd5    (0:18)  
 17.  Ng5     (3:30)     Re7     (4:01)  
 18.  Nxd5    (0:43)     Rd7     (2:35)  
 19.  Qc3+    (2:42)     Nd4     (0:00)  
 20.  Ne6     (0:00)     Nf6     (0:00)  
 21.  Nxd8    (0:00) 

this is initial position analysisbot offers: :[Game 375] Depth: 16 Score: 4.71 PV: 1. ... Ne2+ 2. Kd2 Nxc3 3. Nxf6 Nxd1 4. Nxd7 Nxf2 5. Nxc5 Nxh1 6. Bxh1 Kg7 7. d4 Kf6 8. c4 Bf5 9. Ndxb7 Rc8

If i click on Kd2

It says that next move for analysisbot is Nc3, as if Ne2 Kd2 was played, but i have to refresh the command refresh because Ke1 and Nd4 are still there, so for some reason my gues is + (Ne2+) makes imposible to play the move for client but server position is ok, client doesnt parse correctly the move as server does (is my guess)

drestebon commented 8 years ago

Analysisbot is very unreliable when issuing a lot of moves at once. The next thing is to try to implement ICU on papageorge, which would give us the possibility to do analysis using an engine running locally and play offline.