dret / I-D

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Relationship with cache: are warnings returned in subsequent requests? #138

Open ioggstream opened 4 years ago

ioggstream commented 4 years ago

I expect

The spec to mention whether and how the "warning" attribute is part of the representation. Is that supposed to be returned even by subsequent GET requests? How does this impact with caching?

andrecedik commented 4 years ago

I'd say it depends on each individual case. I would think that the reasons for returning embedded-warning can be manifold. A system could e.g. return warnings due to circumstances in the backend that can either still exist on subsequent requests or that have been solved in the meantime.

So I'd say that caching of warnings shouldn't be done.

Do you have an example in mind where caching would make sense @ioggstream?

andrecedik commented 4 years ago

Hey @ioggstream if you have a look at https://github.com/dret/I-D/commit/245804bc9d2f7b54eadaf683d4d577f00cbf05e6 and give me feedback if it's easy to understand I'd appreciate it.

Also, I'm still on the hunt for use cases that disprove the idea that caching of the embedded-warning content-warning type shouldn't be done. 😬 If we don't find any then it's safe to say, that we're on the right track 😉