dret / I-D

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Support Link Hints? #141

Closed dret closed 3 years ago

dret commented 4 years ago

the question is whether we should explicitly support "link hints". @hvdsomp added support for https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-nottingham-link-hint in https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-wilde-linkset-06, but we're concerned that we will have a dependency on a draft with a unclear timeline. @mnot, could you weigh in on that? thanks! (cc @RubenVerborgh)

hvdsomp commented 4 years ago

The profile negotiation effort (see https://profilenegotiation.github.io/I-D-Profile-Negotiation/I-D-Profile-Negotiation.html) builds heavily on Link Hints and, as such, an indication regarding its future would be very helpful in that context too. The profile negotiation work resorts under activities of the W3C Data Exchange Working Group, see https://www.w3.org/2017/dxwg/wiki/Main_Page. See also comments regarding Link Hints by @RubenVerborgh at https://github.com/mnot/I-D/issues.

mnot commented 4 years ago

Should know about the WG in the next ~few weeks; once it's established, it can talk about what documents to adopt.

dret commented 4 years ago

On 2020-07-29 10:03, Mark Nottingham wrote:

Should know about the WG in the next ~few weeks; once it's established, it can talk about what documents to adopt.

sounds good, thanks for the info.

larsgsvensson commented 3 years ago

@mnot wrote:

Should know about the WG in the next ~few weeks; once it's established, it can talk about what documents to adopt.

Has there been a decision on the WG? We're looking at finalising the profile negotiation work in the W3C DXWG so we're eager to know if we'll be able to depend on link hints or not. Thanks for any hints!

dret commented 3 years ago

On 2020-09-25 17:12, Lars G. Svensson wrote:

@mnot https://github.com/mnot wrote:

Should know about the WG in the next ~few weeks; once it's
established, it can talk about what documents to adopt.

Has there been a decision on the WG? We're looking at finalising the profile negotiation work in the W3C DXWG so we're eager to know if we'll be able to depend on link hints or not. Thanks for any hints!

i think there hasn't been a formal decision so far, but i am still hopeful that the group will be established eventually. maybe @mnot can comment on the likelihood and the timing.

mnot commented 3 years ago

The WG charter is out for review, scheduled to end 10-10. If that goes smoothly it should be real shortly afterwards.

dret commented 3 years ago

hello @mnot.

On 2020-10-02 06:46, Mark Nottingham wrote:

The WG charter is out for review, scheduled to end 10-10. If that goes smoothly it should be real shortly afterwards.

great news, thanks! hoping for the best, that's only a week from now!

larsgsvensson commented 3 years ago

great news, thanks! hoping for the best, that's only a week from now!

+1 to that!

dret commented 3 years ago

we decided to remove the dependencies on link hints in today's call with @hvdsomp. this way we can move forward without that dependency, and when/if link hints become finalized, we can update the linkset spec to also support link hints.