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Add "memento" to Recommended Replacement in Deprecation Header spec #150

Open hvdsomp opened 3 years ago

hvdsomp commented 3 years ago

It would be appropriate to add the memento link relation type defined in RFC7089 to the Recommended Replacement section of the Deprecation Header spec. A link with the memento link relation type points at an archived/frozen copy of the resource and expresses the archival date using the datetime attribute, see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7089#section-2.2.4.

dret commented 3 years ago

not sure i fully agree, but that's certainly a matter of perspective and interpretation. for our main use cases, i'd like to be linked to a non-deprecated "version" of the resource, and for most APIs that would mean some still-functional version of the API that's serving it. being linked to an archived copy may sometimes be interesting, but that seems marginal to me (and of course could always can be done regardless of what we do or do not informally recommend).

phonedude commented 3 years ago

It would seem to me that the Sunset: header would combine nicely with Link: rel="memento" ... If "this" URI will become unresponsive in the future, and the server has a hint as to where an archived copy could be found, why would it not provide this info?

dret commented 3 years ago

On 2020-12-13 15:28, Michael L. Nelson wrote:

It would seem to me that the Sunset: header would combine nicely with Link: rel="memento" ... If "this" URI will become unresponsive in the future, and the server has a hint as to where an archived copy could be found, why would it not provide this info?

sure, and there's nothing that keeps you from designing your API that way. just make sure to document it and off you go.

but sunset is an RFC and what we're discussing here is the "deprecation" header field only. if you're API wants to combine these things, that's perfectly fine. that's the whole idea of these building blocks that you can combine them to fit your needs.

-- erik wilde | mailto:erik.wilde@dret.net | | http://dret.net/netdret | | http://twitter.com/dret |

phonedude commented 3 years ago

Section 5 is all about how Deprecation can be combined with Sunset. If you think the "memento" link relation doesn't belong in section 4 (with "successor-version", "latest-version", and "alternate"), a prescriptive example in section 5 would be helpful to the reader.