dret / lectures

University courses and other presentations, mostly covering Web Architecture, REST, SOA, XML (XSLT/XSD), and similar stuff.
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Trimming content #18

Open dret opened 2 months ago

dret commented 2 months ago

We had too much content. We want to spend more time with better defined exercises. And JAX has less time for the whole workshop. So we'll have to do some trimming to make things less hurried.

Block 1: 9.00-10.30 Block 2: 11.00-12.30 Block 3: 13.30-15.00 Block 4: 15.30-16.30

If we keep the structure as we had it this would mean trimming parts 1-3 for too much content we had, and some additional trimming for me in the last part. Is that ok or should we shoot for a different approach?

mamund commented 2 months ago

I assume we'll use the same order in Mainz.

so the last block is down to 60 mins (not 90). are you ok w/ trimming your last section that much?

I will definitely trim my content -- esp my first block (that ran long w/o a second exercise!). I also want to shore up my marketing content to improve the onboarding section.

and better exercises for me.

mamund commented 2 months ago

i've reduce the content in the design and marketing decks (still need to trim a bit more there) and will get to the marketing deck shortly.