drevops / behat-screenshot

🧪 Behat extension and step definitions to create HTML and image screenshots on demand or when tests fail
GNU General Public License v3.0
21 stars 7 forks source link

Unable to upgrade to the latest Selenium Docker container #65

Open AlexSkrypnyk opened 11 months ago

AlexSkrypnyk commented 11 months ago


AlexSkrypnyk commented 11 months ago
                |  Behat         |
                        | Parses .feature files
                        | Matches Steps to PHP Methods
                |  Behat Context |
                        | Calls Mink Methods
                |  Mink          |
                        | Uses Driver Interface
                        | to interact with actual 
                        | Web Browser
                |Driver Interface|
                        | Factory selects
                        | appropriate driver
           |                           |                   |              |
 +---------v---------+        +--------v--------+  +-------v-----+   +----v----+
 | BrowserKit Driver |        | Selenium2       |  | Selenium 4  |   | Others  |
 +-------------------+        +-----------------+  +-------------+   +---------+
           |                          |                   |              |
           | Uses                     |                   |              |
 +---------v---------+                |                   |              |
 |symfony/browserkit |   JS and Non-JS Requests  JS and Non-JS Requests  Various
 +-------------------+                |                   |              |
 Non-JS Requests                      |                   |              |
           |                          |                   |              |
 +---------v---------+         +------v-----------+  +----v--------+   +-v-------+
 | Actual Web Server |         | Actual Web Server|  | Actual Web  |   | Actual  |
 +-------------------+         +------------------+  | Server      |   | Web     |
                                                     +-------------+   | Server  |
AlexSkrypnyk commented 11 months ago
