Open drew2323 opened 9 months ago
import numpy as np
def create_bins(source_array, bin_count):
# Calculate the minimum and maximum prices from the source array
min_price = np.min(source_array)
max_price = np.max(source_array)
# Create and return bin edges
return np.linspace(min_price, max_price, bin_count + 1)
def update_histogram(data_point, bins, histogram):
# Find the index of the bin to which the data point belongs
bin_index = np.digitize([data_point], bins) - 1
# Increment the corresponding bin in the histogram
histogram[bin_index[0]] += 1
def histogram_to_dict(bins, histogram):
# Create a dictionary pairing each bin range with its count
bin_ranges = [(bins[i], bins[i+1]) for i in range(len(bins)-1)]
return dict(zip(bin_ranges, histogram))
# Example usage
# Define the number of bins
bin_count = 10
# Assuming source_array is your array of historical price data
source_array = [/* Your historical price data here */]
# Create initial bins based on the source array
bins = create_bins(source_array, bin_count)
# Initialize the histogram with zeros
histogram = np.zeros(len(bins) - 1)
# Assuming new_price_data is a stream of new price data points
new_price_data = [/* Your new price data here */]
# Update the histogram for each new data point
for price in new_price_data:
update_histogram(price, bins, histogram)
# Convert histogram to a more interpretable dictionary format
histogram_dict = histogram_to_dict(bins, histogram)
# Now, 'histogram_dict' contains the count of times prices were in each bin range
print("Histogram:", histogram_dict)
Cílem je vytvořit tyto indikátory - arianta time a volume:
aplikuje se na časové okno, rozdělí min až max cenu v tomto okně do X binů.
Popis implemetace chatgpt konverzace
Výstup zatím:
Podobný histogram v v custom indicators.
Dokumentace k lightweightchart plugins