drewdeponte / git-ps-rs

Official git-ps Rust implementation - the future of git-ps
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gps rr: don't push to remote if the remote branch contains commits without a ps-id #293

Open Talor-A opened 6 months ago

Talor-A commented 6 months ago

hey all! loving using gps for my daily git workflows. I'm noticing a small rough edge with the tool it would be good to have some safeguards for. the docs note that if you gps rr a branch that might've had external changes committed to it, we'll force push overwrite those changes. I wonder if it would be possible to first check for a ps-id in each commit in the remote branch, and abort the change if so?

maybe this is possible to implement today, with hooks?

drewdeponte commented 6 months ago

@Talor-A thx for starting this conversation.

We compute state information in other places about the associated branches (local & remote). You can see this for example in the gps ls output. One of the computed states is if the branch has any non-patch commits. Meaning a commit that doesn't have a ps-id in it.

So we should be able to use that same stuff to add some sort of safety checking for this.

I can't think of an easy way to do this with hooks as all the state computation stuff exists in the core code base.

In the mean time though you should be able to see this state via the gps ls output. See the gps ls help below. I think the state indicator you are particularly looking for though is !.

(ls) - List the stack of patches and their associated state info

The `list` command lists out your stack of patches in a format that exposes
the patch index on the far left followed by the short sha of the git
commit, followed by the patch summary, and finally followed by the state

[index] [sha] [summary (50 chars)         ]  ( [status] )

The patch index value is used with other commands, e.g. `gps show

State information exists between a patch in the patch stack and a branch.
As you use Git Patch Stack your patches will be associated with one or
more local branches and each of those branches will likely have a remote
tracking branch associated to them.

So we represent state with two main prefixes, l & r.

l    - indicating that the following state indicators are between the local
       branch & patch in the patch stack
r    - indicating that the following state indicators are between the
       remote branch & patch in the patch stack

The presence of these prefixes also communicates the existance of a local
or remote branch in association with the patch. So if you saw a state
of ( ) it would indicate that the patch has no local branches & has no
remote branches.

Each of these prefixes are paired with zero or more of the following state

*    - the patch in the respective branch has a different diff than
       the patch in the patch stack
!    - the respective branch has one or more non-patch commits in it

The following are some simple examples of state indications so you can
start to understand.

( )       - patch has no local & no remote branches associated
( l )     - patch has a local branch associated & the diff match
( lr )    - patch has a local branch & remote branch associated & the
            diffs match
( l*r* )  - patch has a local branch & remote branch associated, but the
            diffs don't match
( l*r*! ) - patch has a local branch & remote branch associated, but the
            diffs don't match & the remote has a non-patch commit in it

In the most common case you will have a single branch pairing
(local & remote) associated with your patches and you will see the patch
state simply represented as above.

However, Git Patch Stack supports having multiple branch pairings associated
with a patch and it also supports custom naming of branches if you don't want
to use a generated branch name. This is especially useful when creating a
patch series.

If a patch falls into either of these scenarios the state will be presented
in long form where the branch name is provided in front of each state
indication. So each branch will have its branch name appear followed by its
associated state indication.

[branch-name] [state indications]

These pairings of branch name and state indications are simply chained
together with spaces. So for example, if we assume we have a patch that
is associated with two branches, foo & bar. The patch state information
might look something like the following.

( foo lr bar l*r* )

In the above state information example we can see that there are 4 branches
that exist with the patch in them. Specifically, there is a local branch
named `foo` and it has a remote tracking branch that also has the patch in it.
We can see that because there is no `*` or `!` characters after the `l` or `r`,
associated with the `foo` branch, we know that the patch diffs all match.

We can also see that the patch exists in another local branch named `bar`, as
well as the remote tracking branch of `bar`. The `*` characters here indicate
that both the copy of the patch in both the local `bar` branch and the remote
tracking branch of `bar` have different diffs than the patch in the patch

Usage: gps list [OPTIONS]

          disable color output

  -h, --help
          Print help (see a summary with '-h')
drewdeponte commented 6 months ago

When we implement this we probably shouldn't just use the general state computation that computes state for all branches as that is a bunch of un-necessary work. We should add support for computing state for a particular branch, it's associated tracking branch, as well as the stack probably.