drewfustin / isocronut

For a given geospatial location, calculate an isochrone (same time) contour around it.
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Map marker not within isochrone #8

Open atraining opened 7 years ago

atraining commented 7 years ago

Hey Drew, thanks for realeasing this great project! I just have one question: Sometimes isonlines are not calculated based on the marker but close to the coordinates of the marker. Do you have an idea how to tackle this problem?



drewfustin commented 7 years ago

You know, I've seen this happening before too. I'm not sure how to handle it. I'd think there should be a data cleaning step that comes between receiving the distances for the feature collection and creating the isolines. But, I'm not sure how to do it that makes sense. At the end of the day, the contours are based on the distance data received from Mapbox and how it maps the clicked point to a nearest origin to calculate these distances. You'd have to dig into that more, I'd think...