drewg13 / foundryvtt-scum-and-villainy

Scum and Villainy game system for FoundryVTT
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Improve Faction Sheet #54

Closed brunocalado closed 2 years ago

brunocalado commented 2 years ago


Can you improve the Faction UI?



drewg13 commented 2 years ago

It's a lot easier to do with cut-and-paste than in HTML. For me, at least. I'll see what I can do, but making things look nice is not my greatest skill.

brunocalado commented 2 years ago

It's a lot easier to do with cut-and-paste than in HTML. For me, at least. I'll see what I can do, but making things look nice is not my greatest skill.

There is a simple solution. Replace most fields with a single field which is basically a formatted journal.

This image

drewg13 commented 2 years ago

v 1.15.3