drewmccormack / ensembles

A synchronization framework for Core Data.
MIT License
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Kellyroach/fix warnings #273

Closed kellyroach closed 5 years ago

kellyroach commented 5 years ago

This pull request fixes assorted Xcode 9.4.1 compiler warnings.

We noticed but we did not also fix:

kellyroach commented 5 years ago


CASE: "Ensembles iOS Library" / "iPhone X:

CASE: "Ensembles Mac Framework" / "My Mac"

kellyroach commented 5 years ago


Following along with the README.md "Idiomatic App" instructions.

Amongst Xcode Console output while engaging "Enable Synch" on the simulator, we saw:

-[CDECloudManager transferFilesInTransitCacheToRemoteDirectory:completion:]_block_invoke_2 line 446: Uploading file to remote path: ...]

CONCLUDE: This made us happy with iOS

REGARDING: macOS AND "Idiomatic Mac" / "Build Settings"

CONCLUDE: That's it for our macOS testing.

drewmccormack commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Nice job