drewmccormack / ensembles

A synchronization framework for Core Data.
MIT License
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iOS 14 warning CDEObjectChange.propertyChangeValues is using a nil or insecure value #292

Closed sger closed 3 years ago

sger commented 3 years ago


After upgrading to Xcode 12 i'm getting this warning

Ensembles/Framework/Resources/CDEEventStoreModel.xcdatamodeld/CDEEventStoreModel_2.xcdatamodel:CDEObjectChange.propertyChangeValues: warning: CDEObjectChange.propertyChangeValues is using a nil or insecure value transformer. Please switch to NSSecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformerName or a custom NSValueTransformer subclass of NSSecureUnarchiveFromDataTransformer [2]

Is it safe to leave it as it is?

drewmccormack commented 3 years ago

Yes, this should be safe. It has actually been there for a year or more.

We have some changes in the master branch to fix this, but there is no release yet. It is just a warning though, so no danger.

sger commented 3 years ago

ok thank you @drewmccormack will close the issue.