drewnoakes / vs-side-scroller

Scroll horizontally with the mouse wheel when holding the shift key in Visual Studio
Apache License 2.0
78 stars 4 forks source link

Support for Visual Studio 2022 #6

Closed decarufe closed 3 years ago

enisn commented 3 years ago

This really makes life easier. Support for VS 2022 would be awesome

KoalaBear84 commented 3 years ago

Also wanted VS2022 support, looks like an easy fix, but I'm not sure if this is the correct path, but at least a good workaround for now.

  1. Open SideScroller.Vsix with 7-Zip, or rename to SideScroller.Vsix.zip
  2. Open extension.vsixmanifest
  3. Change it like this: image
  4. Save, install

If you want to download it with the above already done (remove .zip first before installation): SideScroller.Vsix.zip

Caution: This might not be the correct way, so for an official correct update we hopefully soon get an update with all this in mind: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/extensibility/migration/update-visual-studio-extension?view=vs-2022

enisn commented 3 years ago

Thank you @KoalaBear84 it works like a charm

drewnoakes commented 3 years ago

Version 1.2 is now available in the marketplace, with support for VS2022. Please test it out let me know if you see any issues.

Thanks everyone for your patience!

KoalaBear84 commented 3 years ago

Thanks Drew 👍

muddymind commented 3 years ago

Glorious! It works like a charm! Many thanks!

drewnoakes commented 3 years ago

Welcome! Thanks for confirming it works.