Something may be wrong with +3.3V power supply discharge circuit (Q401/Q402). Development board wouldn't turn on since POS3P3_RUN/POS12_PGOOD net was dragged low to 600mV. Either discharge circuit design is faulty or MOSFETs were damaged during assembly.
May want to do a BOM change to change D401 to a green LED, since this will give users a basic power light when the board turns on. This is an LED used for discharge circuit holdup, and is basically always on
Had to change PLL output divider in code to 3 instead of 2, even though the math doesn't really work out that way when using the internal FRC clock source. Very bizarre. EDIT - turns out these are the same PLL settings when using the internal FRC oscillator on other projects. Weird.
Values of R1603 and R1604 must be swapped for correct LCD contrast settings.
May want to do a BOM change to change D401 to a green LED, since this will give users a basic power light when the board turns on. This is an LED used for discharge circuit holdup, and is basically always onValues of R1603 and R1604 must be swapped for correct LCD contrast settings.