Open taellinglin opened 2 years ago
Here is what it should be I's detecting activations, but not applications
I editted your code out for importing it and just wrote it in as: tf.keras.applications and tf.keras.applications.VGG19 etc.
def get_vgg_layers(layer_names):
vgg = tf.keras.applications.VGG19(include_top=False, weights='imagenet')
vgg.trainable = False
outputs = [vgg.get_layer(name).output for name in layer_names]
model = models.Model([vgg.input], outputs)
return model
def call(self, inputs, **kwargs):
inputs = inputs * 255.0
preprocessed_input = tf.keras.applications.vgg19.preprocess_input(inputs)
outputs = self.vgg(preprocessed_input)
style_outputs, content_outputs = (outputs[:self.num_style_layers],
style_outputs = [
calculate_gram_matrix(style_output) for style_output in style_outputs
content = {
content_name: value
for content_name, value in zip(self.CONTENT_LAYERS, content_outputs)
style = {
style_name: value
for style_name, value in zip(self.STYLE_LAYERS, style_outputs)
return {'content': content, 'style': style}
I am using tensorflow-cpu 2.9 and am wondering about this...