drewzboto / grunt-connect-proxy

Grunt Connect support for proxying API calls during development
MIT License
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Fixes #12 with subdomain support in the config #27

Open keithjgrant opened 10 years ago

keithjgrant commented 10 years ago

This provides subdomain support as outlined in this comment (https://github.com/drewzboto/grunt-connect-proxy/issues/12#issuecomment-26169654). Includes documentation updates and new tests.

drewzboto commented 10 years ago

Cool thanks for the PR. Will get in for the next release. Appreciate the help!

stereokai commented 10 years ago

What about this issue? We also need this. Badly. Our lives depend on it! @drewzboto to the rescue!

drewzboto commented 10 years ago

I'm debating how best to combine this with the PR from #31. It's essentially the same problem, but with a different match. I'll rewrite this PR to match #31 and provide a prebuilt function for domain/subdomain matching

drewzboto commented 10 years ago

i'll target it for the 2.0.0 release. soon! sorry for the wait, i've been a too many planes lately to find time to code

stereokai commented 10 years ago

At least you get to travel! It sounds great. Care to share your thoughts with us? Perhaps we can help.

drewzboto commented 10 years ago

I'm thinking of converting all the matching as functions. so in the config, you can specify a presupplied function, or write your own to identify when to proxy. I'll spec that out shortly. Happy to make people contributors if that makes things go faster. I know i'm a bottleneck

shairez commented 10 years ago

Hey guys, any news about this PR? :)

stereokai commented 10 years ago

Shai, I eventually used another tool - grunt-modrewrite as a middleware with connect, to give us Apache-like URL rewrites, as a substitute to subdomain-rule proxy. That's all we needed really. מקווה שזה עזר :)

shairez commented 10 years ago

Thanks Tom! you're awesome :)

Guys, BTW, anything I can do to help?

icd2k3 commented 9 years ago

Hey everyone, I know this thread is from a while ago, but does anyone have any tips for setting this up with either grunt-contrib-proxy or grunt-modrewrite?

I have an environment setup like so: [local.site.com] needs to access api at [api-subdomain.site.com]

can't seem to get it working correctly. Thanks for any advice!