drexelbiomed / neuroergonomics

2nd International Neuroergonomics Conference: http://biomed.drexel.edu/neuroergonomics
MIT License
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Venue #14

Closed davidmyers9000 closed 6 years ago

davidmyers9000 commented 6 years ago


We need to put the address and map and photo, please see attached chestnut street photo.

Conference Location: Behrakis Grand Hall Drexel University 3210 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 United States

And the following has a map, maybe something like that, even on the right hand side column: http://www.lebow.drexel.edu/about/campuses/location/george-d-behrakis-grand-hall

And maybe we can put Adrian’s photos for Philly and another set for Drexel, along with things to do.

davidmyers9000 commented 6 years ago
