dreyescat / bootstrap-rating

Bootstrap Rating is a jQuery plugin that creates a rating control that uses Bootstrap glyphicons for rating symbols.
MIT License
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Half Ratings with Customized Tooltips #11

Closed rui-figueiredo closed 9 years ago

rui-figueiredo commented 9 years ago

First of all, excellent plugin. Congratulations!

I do have one question/suggestion: is it possible to display half ratings in tooltips? When I enabled "half ratings", I only see integer numbers in the tooltips (example: "Rate 4") even though the half stars are being correctly displayed. Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for any help.

dreyescat commented 9 years ago

No. You are not missing anything and I really appreciate that you point it out.

Tooltips for fractional (half or any number of fractions) is a functionality I had wanted to include some time ago when tooltips were introduced. To be fair I avoided to face it :wink:.

Now there are two new events associated to the symbols (rating.rateleave and rating.rateenter) that are triggered every time the highlighted rate is changed. You can use them to dynamically update the symbol tooltips.

    <input type="hidden" class="rating-tooltip" data-filled="fa fa-star fa-3x" data-empty="fa fa-star-o fa-3x" data-fractions="2"/>

      extendSymbol: function () {                                           
        var title;                                                          
          container: 'body',                                                
          placement: 'bottom',                                              
          trigger: 'manual',                                                
          title: function () {                                              
            return title;                                                   
        $(this).on('rating.rateenter', function (e, rate) {                 
          title = rate;                                                     
        .on('rating.rateleave', function () {                               

Hope it helps.

rui-figueiredo commented 9 years ago

It helps a lot! Thank you, dreyescat :)