drfill / homebrew-liquidsoap

Liquidsoap on Homebrew
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Please report this to the drfill/liquidsoap tap! #32

Open lmilev opened 7 years ago

lmilev commented 7 years ago

brew install drfill/liquidsoap/ocaml-ogg Updating Homebrew... ==> Installing ocaml-ogg from drfill/liquidsoap ==> Downloading http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/savonet/ocaml-ogg/0.4.5 ==> Downloading from https://ayera.dl.sourceforge.net/project/savonet/ocaml-ogg/ ######################################################################## 100.0% Warning: Calling ENV.j1 is deprecated! Use ENV.deparallelize instead. /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/drfill/homebrew-liquidsoap/Formula/ocaml-ogg.rb:14:in `install' Please report this to the drfill/liquidsoap tap!

==> ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/Cellar/ocaml-ogg/0.4.5 ==> make ==> make install OCAMLFIND_LDCONF=ignore 🍺 /usr/local/Cellar/ocaml-ogg/0.4.5: 16 files, 194KB, built in 12 seconds

drfill commented 7 years ago

Am currently have no time and interest to support this tap. Sorry! If You know how to deal with this, PR the fix.

Another option has in install on macOS, see #26

toots commented 6 years ago


Same here. We actively maintain a opam package for liquidsoap, this is the recommended way to install liquidsoap now.

Thanks for reporting, though!