dride / cordova-plugin-rtsp-vlc

PhoneGap/Cordova VLC RTSP Player Plugin
MIT License
25 stars 23 forks source link

Build error for Android #2

Closed Floyd1256 closed 5 years ago

Floyd1256 commented 5 years ago

An error occurs while trying to build for android. The error is in VLCActivity:

error: lamba expressions are not supported in -source 1.6 (use -source 8 or higher to enable lambda expressions)

I have tried to fix this manually by using source 1.8, but had other issues with enabling jack. Do you have any suggested fix? Thank you

Floyd1256 commented 5 years ago

I was able to get it running on Android after some changes in Gradle to enable using source 1.8. Great plugin by the way!

saoron commented 5 years ago


On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 15:32 Floyd1256 notifications@github.com wrote:

I was able to get it running on Android after some changes in Gradle to enable using source 1.8. Great plugin by the way!

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-- Yossi Neiman Cel: 0524624657 E-mail: saoron@gmail.com simplest.co.il