drieslab / Giotto

Spatial omics analysis toolbox
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Accessor and Dependency Package Errors #664

Open mattobny opened 1 year ago

mattobny commented 1 year ago

Continuing @Umaarasu discussion thread as it is more fitting for this to be placed here.

mattobny commented 1 year ago


To address one part of the previous thread, the code below uses an internal accessor, get_expression_values:

rank_matrix = makeSignMatrixRank(sc_matrix = get_expression_values(giotto_SC, 
values = "normalized",output = "matrix"), sc_cluster_ids = pDataDT(giotto_SC)$Class)

We apologize that this caused an error. The correct code, utilizing the proper accessor getExpression, is below:

sc_expression_norm = getExpression(giotto_SC,
                                  values = "normalized",
                                  output = "matrix")

rank_matrix = makeSignMatrixRank(sc_matrix = sc_expression_norm,
                                sc_cluster_ids = pDataDT(giotto_SC)$Class)

I understand that code using some internal accessor(s) lives on the website. I am actively updating the site to address this.

Umaarasu commented 1 year ago

Thanks @mattobny . This helps with the error. While the code works fine for the example data you provided, how would it be for publicly downloaded ones. For example I am trying to use data from mouse atlas paper. How would you upload the data from there? They give it as .Robj

mattobny commented 1 year ago

Glad to hear.

Based on the previous commentary, I assume you seek to make a sign matrix for rank enrichment. In that case, you would need to extract the RNA expression data from this .Robj along with the corresponding cell IDs. Then you can provide these as arguments in matrix format to sc_matrix and sc_cluster_ids, respectively, in makeSignMatrixRank()