drieslab / Giotto

Spatial omics analysis toolbox
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v4.0.4 #921

Closed jiajic closed 4 months ago

jiajic commented 4 months ago

Breaking changes

Bug fixes



jiajic commented 4 months ago

New issues are showing up with GHA testing for Mac and Windows, but not Linux. For unclear reasons, they are failing during due to not being able to install packages that are not even requirements setup-r-dependencies@v2 Check if package needs pandoc step. This is likely the result of a recent change in the github action.

jiajic commented 4 months ago

Turning off pandoc checking allows MacOS checking to pass, but Windows is still not passing.

This is related to UMAP differences that seem to have occurred for Linux, MacOS (and which have now been accounted for in tests), but not Windows so far.