drighelli / SpatialExperiment

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Could imgData also store other image classes? #121

Open lgeistlinger opened 1 year ago

lgeistlinger commented 1 year ago

There are now a number of different representations of spatial imaging data around. I wonder whether imgData(spe)$data could also accommodate for lists of eg EBImage::Image or RBioFormats::AnnotatedImage as opposed to restricting to a list of image classes directly implemented in SpatialExperiment.

I think that would be great for interoperability with some of the functionality for more complex images and new microscopy standards.

drighelli commented 1 year ago

Hi Ludwig @lgeistlinger ,

thanks for this issue, I think this could be really useful, and of course, we have to think about that.

As it is right now, we cannot store any of these objects. To your knowledge is any of these classes compatible with a grob object?