drikster80 / gh200-Ubuntu-22.04-autoinstall

Automated installation of GH200 system using Ubuntu 22.04
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Add in additional OS optimizations #2

Open drikster80 opened 1 month ago

drikster80 commented 1 month ago

Based on the Nvidia Grace Performance Tuning Guide, implement optimizations.


  1. MTU to 9216 on interfaces
  2. Disable irqbalance service: systemctl disable irqbalance
  3. IOMMU
    vim  /etc/default/grub.d/iommu_passthrough.cfg 
    GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="$GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX iommu.passthrough=0 init_on_alloc=0"
  4. NUMA balancing setting (echo "kernel.numa_balancing = 0" >> /etc/sysctl.conf)
  5. Set swap file size of 24GB - 48GB
  6. cpupower frequency-set -g performance
drikster80 commented 1 month ago

1,2, & 4 have been completed in 4589e2.

Need to test updating the cmdline and power frequency.