drinchev / monosocialiconsfont

Mono Social Icons Font
SIL Open Font License 1.1
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No IE plaintext support? #4

Open darth90rs opened 11 years ago

darth90rs commented 11 years ago

Hi guys! I find this font amazing, very complete and useful. I also found that in IE (from 9 below) the support for plaintext icon is not working, the font is displaying correctly just if using the html entities.

Ex: in chrome/firefox this is working: facebook in IE the above is not working, but the following does:

It would be great to have support for social name to display the relative icon also in IE, but I don't know how to, so if someone is fond of this please help!

drinchev commented 11 years ago

Yep, that's an issue with IE 9 and less. They all don't support ligature symbol replacement. All similar fonts doesn't work with this.

I'm going to make a simple JS script to replace the characters automatically for IE, this weekend. Stay tuned!

darth90rs commented 11 years ago

Great, that's awesome! I'll be waiting, thank you very much ;)

nhrx commented 11 years ago

Hi, could you also make a fallback script for Opera? Thanks for this font, it's very useful!

matthewtlh commented 11 years ago

I'm curious if you got the JS working for IE character replacement.

drinchev commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the support guys, I really appreciate it.


Yep, I'm pretty much at the testing phase. I'm on a vacation now, so this will stall a bit ( ETA 2 weeks ). It will support Opera and it is jQuery free. It will support also Ligature Symbols [1] too. Also it can be configured to use any other symbol font that use ligatures substitution.

Although I don't recommend to use the ligature substitution on AJAX websites ( just use the unicode symbol &#xeXXX; ).


[1] https://github.com/kudakurage/LigatureSymbols/issues/3

bfintal commented 11 years ago

I also need this :(

mikeselander commented 10 years ago

Is the js fix still in the works? Would love to use your awesome font, but the complete lack of IE support means I can't...

WesCossick commented 10 years ago

For those still wondering, the fix is quite simple, and does not need JS. Just include this line in your CSS: -ms-font-feature-settings:"liga" 1;

mikeselander commented 10 years ago

Oh fantastic, thank you!

danwild commented 10 years ago

So glad I used plain text and only realized this in final testing :s haha. (Still very grateful for the font though thanks!)

shoshanna commented 10 years ago

I'm using the rounded style, and for some reason the fix above worked on every icon except "roundedpinterest" and "roundedinstagram". Is there anything special about those two icons that needs some other fix on IE?

WesCossick commented 10 years ago

Looking at @drinchev's icon demo website, a handful of icons experience this issue in IE (and even other browsers like Safari). For those, it seems you'll just need to use the unicode symbols.

shoshanna commented 10 years ago

Thank you!

invot commented 10 years ago

Where in the file would I put -ms-font-feature-settings:"liga" 1;? It doesn't seem to be working for me. Also, anyone found a JS fix yet?

mikeselander commented 10 years ago

It should go in your CSS in the same class that you're using the font with