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I can't seem to overwrite calibration decoration when I inherit on_get from SimpleSCPIEntity #144

Open raphaelcervantes opened 3 years ago

raphaelcervantes commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I don't have time to write something thoughtful. I'm going to paste the slack conversation related to this issue because it's better than nothing.

Raphael Cervantes 10:59 AM @Ben LaRoque I'm trying to extend SimpleSCPIEntity such that on_get has a custom calibration

from dripline.core import Entity, calibrate, ThrowReply
from dripline.implementations import SimpleSCPIEntity
import logging
from .power_detector_calibration import zx47_50_cal

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = []

class PowerDetectorEntity(SimpleSCPIEntity):
    Entity with power detector calibration

    def on_get(self):

What should go in the body of on_get if it's the same as SimpleSCPIEntity

Ben LaRoque 11:03 AM ummm:

def on_get(self):
    return super().on_get()

(edited) 11:04 should be the same as:

def on_get(self):
    return SimpleSCPIEntity.on_get(self)

Raphael Cervantes 11:05 AM ok. dope 11:05 I was about to just copy what was in SimpleSCPIEntity, which would have been bad OOP

Ben LaRoque 11:07 AM the first one uses the class method resolution order to find the next on_get implementation, the latter specifically uses the one that is first in the MRO of SimpleSCPIEntity; here those should be the same, but there could be a time when there’s a subtle difference and you care 11:07 (like if you have multiple inheritance)

Raphael Cervantes 11:08 AM ohhh 11:08 got it

Raphael Cervantes 11:42 AM @Ben LaRoque I'm getting a name error when I run this get command with the custom calibration and I don't understand why

2021-08-16T18:38:10[INFO    ] dripline.implementations.ethernet_scpi_service(172) -> sync: 'MEASure:VOLTage:DC?\r\n' -> '-7.55700000E-06'
2021-08-16T18:38:10[DEBUG   ] dripline.implementations.ethernet_scpi_service(143) -> should return:
2021-08-16T18:38:10[DEBUG   ] dripline.implementations.entity_endpoints(50) -> raw result is: -7.55700000E-06
2021-08-16T18:38:10[DEBUG   ] dripline.core.calibrate(30) -> attempting to calibrate
2021-08-16T18:38:10[DEBUG   ] dripline.core.calibrate(43) -> formatted cal is:
name 'zx47_50_cal' is not defined
this is where the calibration function is defined: https://github.com/axiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheus/blob/ad12b0d05cfff7b[…]/extensions/power_detector_entity/power_detector_calibration.py
this is where it decorates the on_get function: https://github.com/axiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheus/blob/ad12b0d05cfff7b[…]e5e/dripline/extensions/power_detector_entity/power_detector.py

did I implement this incorrectly?

power_detector_calibration.py https://github.com/axiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheus|axiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheusaxiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheus | Added by GitHub

power_detector.py https://github.com/axiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheus|axiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheusaxiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheus | Added by GitHub

Raphael Cervantes 11:59 AM here is my endpoint definiton:

      - name: power_monitor_voltage
        module: PowerDetectorEntity
        base_str: MEASure:VOLTage:DC
        calibration: "zx47_50_cal({})"
        log_routing_key_prefix: sensor_double_precision

Raphael Cervantes 12:13 PM I explicitly defined on_get and have gotten further https://github.com/axiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheus/blob/95f88fd0ae03363[…]8cd/dripline/extensions/power_detector_entity/power_detector.py I'm guessing the inheritence caused conflicting calibration decorations?

power_detector.py @calibrate([zx47_50_cal]) https://github.com/axiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheus|axiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheusaxiondarkmatterexperiment/dripline-orpheus | Added by GitHub

Raphael Cervantes 12:31 PM ok I have it working now 12:31 but I couldn't use inheritence 12:32 maybe there's a way to override the calibration decoration from the base class?

Ben LaRoque 12:33 PM oh… um 12:33 that may be a design problem, would need to think about it (edited) 12:33 (dripline side, not your side)